Because of our generous partners, volunteers, and friends, we have the ability to provide a place of rest, Christian support, and community for our residents.
Our Services
We offer:
transportation from Hope House to medical appointments
laundry facilities
All of our services are offered at no cost to our guests.
How is all of this FREE?
The needs of Hope House are very much like those of any VERY large family. Because of tremendous community support and excellent stewardship of donated funds, Hope House provides lodging for 30 Mississippians at any one time. With only three paid employees, Hope House is completely dependent on volunteerism to make these services available to our guests.
Even though we have tremendous volunteer support, financial support is much more difficult, and more crucial. Utilities for 11,000 square feet are tremendous; household products that keep Hope House clean and fresh for all guests are expensive; utilities and groceries are expensive; insurance is expensive; grounds maintenance is expensive! The list is endless.
One of Hope House’s major missions is to provide transportation to treatments for the guests of Hope House. We are so appreciative for the donation of our Honda & Ford Freestar van. Gas is a major expense! Car repairs and maintenance are expensive! A vehicle is critical to Hope House being able to continue transporting all patients as needed to and from doctor's appointments and outpatient treatments.
The guests of Hope House are from outside the Jackson area, which makes it even more difficult to raise money within the Jackson area. Ours is a unique mission that has impacted the hearts of many who donate time, prepare food for the guests, maintain the grounds, donate needed supplies, and do so many other things that allow Hope House to keep our doors open –but raising money has continued to be a real challenge. God has always provided when the circumstances looked bleak, and we continue to praise Him for all He has done for this ministry.
Another critical Hope House need is to get the word out across the state about the services we provide. It is our belief that a greater awareness of our ministry will allay the fears of lower income patients who may seek treatment sooner because of the assurances Hope House provides. It is our conviction that insurance companies and taxpayers are saved precious funds because patients have a safe and comfortable place to recuperate where “in hospital” services might otherwise be required. It is our prayer that more Mississippians will become survivors of cancer and other serious illnesses because treatment is accessible!
Hope House is an investment of time, love, prayer, involvement and money. We are 501(c)3 non-affiliated Christian ministry supported by contributions/donations. Hope House is a non-profit, tax exempt ministry since 1985.
All financial contributions are tax deductible. You may give a donation in memory or honor of a loved one. We hope you will carefully consider this request in light of what this support can mean to so many people across the State of Mississippi.